It’s been awhile
since I last wrote and I have a perfectly good excuse—we moved houses!
The move was so
tedious that I vowed to write a piece about that but the only “lesson” I wanted
to share was to NOT buy any more things! Well, if that can’t be helped, then
consider this: Buy purposefully. Rooting that deeper into my life, I wanted to
speak purposefully, act purposefully, live purposefully.
As in God’s way, I
come to this goal through a process.
I recognize this to be a long, fruitful journey towards a life that is
purposed, meaningful and more glorifying to Him.
To help me put that
into practical terms, I have decided to start on a new devotional with Rick
Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life, which I have not yet completed reading.
So in the weeks to
come, I pray that this journey towards purpose will be blessed, and that I may
be able to share its fruits with you.
In the meantime, I
have decided to write about something that is very close to my heart. First
week August is World Breastfeeding Week and many breastfeeding-related
activities are being organized to support and celebrate the cause. I simply
want to write about how breastfeeding has opened my eyes about God and His wonderful
gifts of provision.
I have been
breastfeeding my son, Gabbie for 20 months now. From the looks of it, we don’t
seem to be on the verge of stopping anytime soon. I mean, he giggles in delight
at the mere sight and mention of my breasts (he calls it “dede”).
Breastfeeding at 20 months |
While I have had my
share of breastfeeding-related issues like wrong latch which lead to pain and
nipple wounds, as well as mastitis and engorgement, I have had, more
importantly, countless epiphanies during those late-night feedings about how
God provides and how his provisions are not just complete, but perfect!
To make my amazement
easier to understand, consider these points on breastmilk:
1. The first few drops of breastmilk, called
Colostrum, which is small in quantity (perfect for a newborn’s marble-sized
tummy) but powerful in its content of immunoglobins and antibodies, which acts
like a vaccine, protecting baby from viruses and bacteria as it enters into the
world, flows the breast for the newborn. Colostrum coats baby’s stomach lining
to protect from bacteria, acts as a laxative to help baby expel early stools to
protect against jaundice and bilirubin and provides the perfect nutritional
food for a newborn baby.
When I read this about colostrum, which is
commonly referred to as Liquid Gold, I thought wow, God sure knows how to
protect my baby. As He gave us Gabbie, he also gave what he would need for his
small developing body. Gabbie was born at 1.3 kilos only (he was born at 30
weeks) and I was determined to give him all of my colostrum then. As a mother,
I instinctively knew his premature organs NEEDED my colostrum. With each drop
of my liquid gold, I felt God’s reassurance that He knows what Gabbie needed to
become bigger, stronger and healthier, and He has already provided for it.
2. Breastmilk is nutritionally complete, always
contains millions of live white blood cells and immunoglobins for immunity and
protection, changes in composition from feed to feed based from baby’s nutritional
needs, is always the right temperature, puts me and my baby together pretty
often, and has given no financial burden to the family.
I am reminded of Scripture when Jesus said,
“I have come so that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John
10:10). Looking at my baby after each feed, content and secure and happy, THAT
is a testament to this verse.
For a baby, their most important needs are
food, warmth and security. Breastmilk fulfills all, and its benefits extend to
the mom, and to the dad too. While breastfeeding took a bit of practice and
while I also experienced some challenges during, I also recognize that help was
never far from me, and I never had to endure anything that I could not bear.
Also, the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the few challenges I have met
along the way. Click on the links above so you can have a rundown of the nutritional
benefits of breastmilk. Breastmilk brought my premature tiny baby to a healthy,
intelligent toddler that he is now, and all that without a single cost to my
family. The milk flowed each time my baby would suckle. If I were to describe our breastfeeding
journey, I’d say it was convenient, sulit, and enjoyable! The blessing of the
Lord brings wealth, and he adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22)
3. Breastfeeding promotes mother-baby bonding.
As I searched for literature online to
explain how breastfeeding promotes bonding, I came across this article that
says that there is no evidence that breastfeeding does, in fact promote bonding
between mom and baby.
While it does say that the propagation of
such claim was to promote “competitive mothering”, I do believe that we’re
looking at this from a wrong standpoint.
Breastfeeding, by its very nature, requires
something from the mother and her natural instincts. It harnesses her
capability to recognize her baby’s (and her own body’s) cues of hunger, and
emotional need, and then her natural capacity to fulfill those.
Breastfeeding requires mommy to hold baby
often, and it is but natural for affections to grow as baby gazes on mommy’s
face several times a day, and mommy caresses baby’s soft cheeks and head
several times a day.
What I’m trying to say is, the evidence that
will prove that breastfeeding does in fact promote bonding is watching mom and
baby together, and apart. I know my son is about to cry even before he does. I
know when he’s hungry even before he asks for milk. And he knows when I’m
tired, or angry, or when I’m up for some playtime. And upon waking, and
wherever he might be, he always calls out Mommy and looks for me. He’s happiest
and most secure when I’m around.
One might argue that bottle-feeding can also
facilitate bonding between mom and baby. To which I say, probably so, and to
which I will add, establishing baby’s bond with mom goes far beyond
breastfeeding and will continue well onto the years and decades to come. God’s
grace for parenting is always sufficiently available to all parents, regardless
of what milk you choose to feed your child.
Breastfeeding is just a sure, easy,
convenient way to do it. I mean, you’re feeding your baby, getting some forced
rest (you gotta sit down while you nurse, Momma!), and you’re spending some
quality time with your little one. That’s the best kind of multi-tasking!
Happy breastfeeding pair. |
I pumped milk in the
beginning when my son was still in NICU, but as soon as he came out, I never
touched a pump again. We breastfeed directly up to this day. So while I do not
have an idea as to how much milk he consumes everyday, I rest assured that he
is well-fed and that I will have milk again for him when he asks for “dede” the
next time.
Breastfeeding has
taught me a lot of things, but its biggest gift to me is strengthening my faith
in my God who provides the milk day in and day out.
So, to all moms,
breastfeeding or not, let feeding be NOT about you, or how you compare to other
moms. Let feeding be what it’s supposed to be. It’s about nourishing your baby,
and believing that the same God who gave you that precious bundle of joy, will
also provide for his EVERY need (that goes beyond just the physical, Mommies!)
Let’s not tire
ourselves out by making breastfeeding complicated or thinking too much about it
or doubting that you’re producing it. The simple fact is God will provide for
the milk that your baby needs every single day for as long as he will need it.
He made it perfect, he made it complete, and he made it graceful. Let’s have
faith in that.
Happy breastfeeding
week, Mommas! J