Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's Not 2014 Yet

So many things have happened since my last post. The Yolanda devastation was foremost in my mind the last several weeks with relief operations (we focused on breastmilk-letting and providing relief to mom-and-child survivors), and in my prayers. My heart bled for our kababayans.

Along with that came busy season for our video production company, Salt Lab Creative and I found my hands full with production, and trying to pursue preschool homeschool for my toddler. My busy days stretched well into the holidays.

And now, here we are. One day after Christmas. Practically all gifts have been given, and all to-do’s have been checked. I’m sure a lot of us are just excited to move on to 2014 and leave the tragedies of 2013 (from Napoles to Yolanda) behind.

It’s been a tumultuous year, wouldn’t you say? For me, personally, I want to know what God has in store for me, my family and our nation.

So far, God has revealed two very personal things to me and I’d like to share them with you.

First, He has impressed upon me that my writing is intended for others. It is intended to write life, truth and encouragement, particularly for mothers. This humbling revelation has led me to talk with three other moms who, by God’s divine arrangement have the same heart as I do. So, as I write this, I am looking forward to another project in 2014—one that will definitely be very close to my heart, and one that I pray will be used by God mightily to empower moms. I cannot give specifics yet but I covet your prayers in its fruition. Thank you J

Second, God revealed an attitude pertaining to looking forward to the future. 

When our son was born at 30 weeks old on October 20, 2011, I learned a very valuable lesson that day: Savor each day and take it for what it is. I learned to submit all my expectations and our family’s future to Him. The present is my priority today. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34

As I look forward to 2014, to my son’s incredible growth (physically and intellectually), to new projects, to our family’s plans, to any positive change in our nation, I am reminded of the beauty of enjoying the present.

Today, December 26, 2013, I weigh 112 lbs., I have awkward long/short hair, I have a wonderful husband, a growing little boy of delight, one of my closest friends is getting married, and another is going to have a baby. I am semi-reconciled with my family, I am emotional but not overly so anymore I think, I am excited to shop for a few things I need but not obsessing about them anymore (thank God!). Overall, I am happy. No, joyful! And content. No, grateful! Definitely, grateful yes. I am thankful for such an abundant life that is peaceful, love-filled and is full of lessons and laughter. Most of all, I am grateful to have Christ in my life.

I may not know what the future will bring, and I certainly do not have control over anything that will come our way (that includes our child’s ever-increasing tantrums), but I have Christ and my hope will spring eternal.

So, as I come expectant of a bright year ahead, I also recognize that the present year isn’t finished yet. There are still several days of 2013 left to savor. Let’s begin with today.

Today is precious because You made it so. Today is a good day because I have You. So, thank You Jesus for today. Kindly please bless tomorrow J

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